Give Yourself The Gift of Healing Your Mother Wound This Mother’s Day
A few days ago, I was uploading an episode of my podcast to my YouTube channel, “Your Light and Darkness.” After I finished uploading the episode, I was on my YouTube homepage and saw that Tyler Perry was on the popular daytime talk show “The View,” which has been on ABC for many years.
In this episode, he was talking about his new documentary in which he discusses his mother. One of the show’s hosts mentioned how she met his mother through this documentary, and Tyler became very emotional. He began speaking about all of the pain he witnessed his mother endure during his childhood and growing up. He knew the pain that she carried but she was always so concerned about everyone else. She was always making sure everyone else was okay but never thinking that anyone would be concerned with her or see her.
The co-hosts chimed in, talking about mothers and what they are to us. One of them said we are blessed by our mothers; another one said that she heard the statement “good mothers are like winning the lottery,”.
That resonated with me so greatly because in my work and in my own healing I’ve gone through depths of healing in many areas including my own mother relationship. Understanding what mothers are, what they do, what they don’t do, what they can do, how they shape each and every one of us is essential to our healing journey.
Mothers are the vessel, the portal that we enter into this earth realm through. Sometimes we have the best experience with our mothers, and sometimes we have the worst. We hear a lot about fathers and what fathers don’t do and what dads don’t do in this and that, but talking about the mother is a subject that many don’t discuss because we look at our mothers as these figures and people who are instrumental in our reason for being here. They’re the ones who birthed us and put their lives on the line for us to enter into this realm. A personal sacrifice.
However, not everyone has had an optimal experience with their mother. I want to talk to you all about what if you didn’t feel like your mother was a blessing? What if you experienced trauma at the hands of your mother? Or what if you had a good mother, but you witnessed her pain and experienced her pain?
Depending on your experience with your mother, it shapes everything about who you are. She is the very person, the very vessel that pours into us through her words. She teaches us who we are. She shows us the ways of the world and how to navigate our thinking and self-esteem. She motivates us.
She builds us up or tears us down, and a lot of this stuff can be done consciously or unconsciously because mothers carry their own burdens, their own pain, their own unresolved drama. During the time that many of our mothers were growing up, they didn’t have the ability to heal. They were on autopilot; they were still going in spite of all they faced.
Many mothers don’t even know that they’re carrying around and dealing with this trauma because they have to be “on” all the time. There’s no handbook as we know for parenthood. It really just depends on what is going on in your own mother’s internal state and what she has experienced that becomes the experience that you experience. Unless your mother, at some point in her life, didn’t like how things were going and recognized that she needed healing, and she took it upon herself to begin the healing process.
Your mother is human. They shape us. They have their own unresolved trauma which passes down familial unhealed trauma. Just think about it for a moment — your mother didn’t just arrive at the place she did out of nowhere and didn’t just start parenting you the way she did out of nowhere. These are often repeated patterns that are passed down, and either they become “this is just how you do it” or “this is what we do” and it’s just brushed off as “well my mother did this so I’ll do it too” or she decided to shift and change.
This is not to make excuses, but I want you to see your mother outside of her role and as the person that she is — the human side. Because all of this is going to help you heal. It took me so many years to understand this, but once I did, my healing was taken to another level. I began to see my mother in a different way and started to feel for her in a different way. I really began to be in awe of her, in spite of everything she experienced. How good of a mother she was to me, truly. In spite of everything, she still did her best.
If you’re doing the healing. If you’re listening to this and you’re on your own personal spiritual and healing journey, know that you are a generational changer. It’s not easy, I can tell you that from experience, but you can do it.
When you heal yourself, you unlock layers of healing for your mother. You heal your self-esteem, self-concept, self-love, self-worth, how you see and experience life, relationships, thought patterns, self-image, and so much more.
You step back in time and heal your inner child. You heal your teenage years and even your young adult self because we go through so many different things in each of these stages of our experience. When we step back and evaluate our relationship with our mother at these different stages, we begin to go back and heal. It is very possible.
You release your mother and set her free from conscious and unconscious hurt, pain, disappointment, trauma that you experienced. You give her grace and recognition for her own role as a mother. You change your children’s story. This is heavy; this is deep; it is transformational on so many levels. You help heal the world by healing your own mother because each one of us has the power to change the world if we go within ourselves and get to the core of healing. You begin to shift society.
I’m proud of you for even being interested in healing. It says so much about who you are and where you’re headed. Keep going and if you need help, I’m here to assist you.
To listen to the audio version of this you may do so by checking out my podcast, Your Light In Darkness.
Begin healing your own mother wound by purchasing my class, Healing The Mother Wound. Available On Demand.
For a private Inner Work reading to learn what areas you need to focus on healing first click here.
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May you be abundantly blessed,
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