Welcome to Your Light In The Darkness. My name is Ashley. If this is your first time coming across my blog, welcome! Your Light In Darkness is dedicated to teaching and discussing how to heal from the mental and emotional trauma we’ve faced in our lives individually and collectively. I also use this site to discuss self love, self value and self worth which is greatly needed at this time. The world has so much chaos, confusion and hurting people. For each individual person that is hurting that adds more people the collective that is hurting. It’s sad to observe but in order to heal we must individually face what has happened, not sugarcoat it and not push it to the side.
The reason that this is so important to face is because you cannot progress, you cannot heal, you cannot function, you cannot find that inner peace, that joy that you are searching for and longing for until you face the trauma that you’ve experienced and heal it on an individual and collective level. It’s been ingrained in most of us to sweep what happened to us under the rug. But until you face it and heal you it is always there. The more you run the louder it gets.
I’m speaking from experience. From a young age, I began to get very intimate with traumatic experiences, although at the time I didn’t know what trauma was. As I’ve healed I’ve learned how much trauma was intertwined in my experience and while many events were painful, they led me to this point and place today so that I can now be of service to you. To help you heal those traumas in your life, no matter how small or large they may be to you. Healing in my opinion is a life long process. As you heal one area another is revealed that needs your attention. Over time healing becomes simpler but you have to start to get there.
A little while ago, I received a message in a dream that it was time for us to clean our houses. Specifically the bathroom. Many things are revealed to me in dreams and this one was no different. It’s a part of how things are shown and told to me. When this message was received I’d had recurring dreams about cleaning up the bathroom which symbolized a greater meaning. Bathrooms can be such a relaxing, Zen like place. They are also places that you receive relief. They’re where you cleanse. They’re where you release toxins and waste.
If you’re like me, you’ve been to several bathrooms and some of them are just not comforting because they’re not cleansed. They might have things all over them or hadn’t been cleaned in a long time.
Being that the bathroom is the place that you release waste, and toxins, it’s a very important room in the house. The bathroom is also a place that’s very intimate, it’s unseen unless you share the bathroom space with someone else. If that’s the case then you all may know each other in that way that most people don’t.
Have you ever noticed that bathroom activities are things that most people do not discuss and for good reason. Not everyone needs to know how your trip to the bathroom was. I say all that to say when waste builds up if you have a hard time removing the waste, removing the toxins if your body isn’t functioning properly and you cannot release what has been stored up inside of you, it presents massive problems. A lot of discomfort. So much so that some people take medication to relieve themselves to help their bowels function properly. If you have an issue releasing waste, it can drive you to the doctor’s office or to seek an herbalist for any type of remedy just to get the relief that you need. It can be very embarrassing to discuss these things.
So many on the internet are searching for remedies of how to help waste release. However, this is not a blog about bathroom habits but it is about how trauma gets stored up in the body and must be removed in the same way waste is or issues will arise. Unresolved trauma can drive you to the point of seeking medical assistance. Or have you searching for answers on the internet seeking medications or an herbalist for help. Stored up trauma will have you thinking you’re going crazy. It will have you remembering things and not being able to fully process them. You may experience repeated flashbacks of scenes of things that have happened to you or experience saddness, being down, depressed, lonely, ashamed and embarrassed because you feel like no one can understand you, your story, and what’s happened to you.
You will go around thinking that no one cares and you function wearing a mask pretending that everything’s okay when you are crying on the inside. Unhealed and unprocessed trauma that hasn’t been faced has some people seeking medication whether it’s psychiatric medication, recreational drug use, food, sex, whatever it is. It pushes you to find something to comfort you as that bad memory pops up so that you don’t have to face the pain.
I understand this because I’ve lived it. I know it. It’s not a theoretical thing. This isn’t a thing that I have gone to schools and universities for I’ve experienced traumatic events throughout so many years of my life. You must heal and release the stored trauma so that your life can begin to flow in the direction you desire. It takes work but it can be done when you are dedicated and committed to it. Although I’ve faced hard areas in life at times, I’ve also found and healed my way through to find inner peace and joy and that’s what I’m here to help you with. To help you right where you are. So that you can receive the guidance, the understanding the tools to help you heal and reclaim your self worth, self love and self value. Healing begins with acknowledgement and facing what needs to be healed. This is an inner journey, a journey of the mind, body, soul and spirit. Not for the faint of heart but for those ready to embark on the journey of self discovery, love and self awareness like never before. It all starts with making a definite decision as Catherine Ponder would say. If you’re ready to go on the journey of you then I’m ready to show you how.
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Until we speak again, be well, Ashley.